I’ve been solving leetcode problems for the past several months and these are few of the interesting problems / algorithms I’ve encountered.

Binary Search Over Non-Sorted Array

I love Binary Search. It’s a straight-forward, easy to understand, easy to implement algorithm & sometimes it can even be used on unsorted arrays. The idea is to apply it on the solution space.

One way to understand is to imagine an array x as an input to a function f(x) which produces y and if you can deduce the range of y like [10,71], you can then check for the right answer instead of solving f(x)directly.

    solve(x) = y
    where x is an input unsorted array

    range: 10 <= y <= 75 
    a O(N) or O(1) function: verify(y)

Now we can binary search over range of y 
and check if y is the correct answer or not.  

Checkout these questions which implements the above idea.

  1. Cutting Ribbons
  2. Find Peak Element
  3. Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls
  4. Sqrt of a number.

Backus–Naur form (BNF)

Sadly I did not have a compiler design class a part of my Computer Science curriculum. BNF is often taught in those classes as a specification to describe syntax of a language. However, the same spec can be used for almost any problem which can be broken down into a set of rules.

Let’s look at a problem where BNF can be used.

Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression

The question requires us to create a binary expression tree from an infix expression. The input to the question is an expression like 3+4*2-(4*12) and we need a way to constuct a tree.

One way to solve it is evaluating the expression as a compiler would.

For example this would a BNF form for an infix expresion.

    Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
    digit := [0..9]
    bracket := digit | '(' expression ')'
    mult_div := bracket | bracket { ['/','*'] bracket }
    plus_min := mult_div | mult_div { ['+','-'] mult_div  }
    s := plus_min

Here’s the solution.

    def expTree(self, s: str) -> 'Node':        
        tokens = deque(list(s))
        def parsePlusMin():
            lhs = parseMultDiv()
            while tokens and tokens[0] in ['+','-']:
                op = tokens.popleft()
                rhs = parseMultDiv()
                lhs = Node(val=op,left=lhs,right=rhs)
            return lhs
        def parseMultDiv():
            lhs = parseBracket()
            while tokens and tokens[0] in ['*','/']:
                op = tokens.popleft()
                rhs = parseBracket()
                lhs = Node(val=op,left=lhs,right=rhs)
            return lhs
        def parseBracket():
            if tokens[0] == '(':
                node = parsePlusMin()
                return node
                digit = tokens.popleft()
                return Node(val=digit)
        return parsePlusMin()

Other Worthy Mentions

  1. First Missing Positive Number
  2. Median From Data Stream
  3. Valid Number (rule engine)
  4. All Subarrays in O(N)